VPCLIP (Command)

Redefines a layout viewport object while retaining its properties.


You can either select an existing object to designate as the new viewport boundary, or you can specify the points of the new boundary. The new boundary does not clip the old boundary, it redefines it.

Tip: You can use the CLIP command to clip images, external references, layout viewports, and underlays.

The following prompts are displayed.

Clipping Object

Specifies an object to become the new boundary for the layout viewport. Valid objects include closed polylines, circles, ellipses, closed splines, and regions.


Defines a new boundary from the points that you specify. You can create line segments or arc segments. The Polyline option includes many of the same options as the PLINE command: Next Point, Arc, Close, Length, and Undo


Removes the clipped boundary of the selected layout viewport, and restores the original, rectangular layout viewport.