To Work With Model Space Viewports

To Create Multiple Model Space Viewports

  1. Click View tab Viewports panel Viewport Configurations drop-down arrow .
  2. Click the viewport configuration that you want to use.

Viewport controls are displayed at the top-left corner of each viewport, which that might look like the following:

[-] [Top] [2D Wireframe]

Click the - or + control, and then the Viewport Configuration List to change the number and arrangement of viewports.

Press CTRL while dragging viewport boundaries to display the green splitter bar and create new viewports. Alternatively, you can drag the outermost splitter controls.

To Make a Model Space Viewport Current

To Cycle Through Viewports Without Clicking

To Reset Model Space to a Single Viewport

To Join Two Model Space Viewports

Note: To join two viewports, they must share a common edge of the same length.
  1. Click View tab Viewports panel Viewports, Join.
  2. Click in the model space viewport you want to keep.
  3. Click in an adjacent viewport to join it to the first viewport.
Tip: Alternatively, you can drag an interior boundary of any model space viewport, joining it to another viewport with a common edge of the same length.

To Draw Across Two Model Space Viewports

In a large drawing, you can use this method to draw a line from a detail in one corner to a detail in a distant corner.

  1. Start the line in the current viewport.
  2. Make another viewport current by clicking within it, and then specify the second endpoint of the line.