To Work With Creating Composite Objects

Use the following methods to reshape objects by combining 3D solid, surface, or region objects.

Create a Composite Object From the Intersection of Objects

  1. Click Home tabSolid Editing panelIntersect. Find
  2. Select the 3D solids, surfaces, or regions to intersect. Press Enter.

Subtract Objects From One Another

  1. Click Home tabSolid Editing panelSubtract. Find
  2. Select the 3D solid, surface, or region to subtract from. Press Enter.
  3. Select the 3D solid, surface, or region to subtract. Press Enter.

Combine Objects to Form a New Object

  1. Click Home tabSolid Editing panelUnion. Find
  2. Select the 3D solid, surface, or region objects to combine. Press Enter.