About Grouping Tool Palettes

Organize tool palettes into groups and control which groups are displayed.

Palette grouping helps you focus on the tools you need the most. For example, if you have several tool palettes that contain hatch patterns, use CUSTOMIZE to create a new palette group called Hatch Patterns. Then add all tool palettes that contain hatch patterns to the Hatch Pattern group. Make the Hatch Pattern group current to display only the tool palettes in that group in the Tool Palettes window.

Location of Tool Palettes and Tool Palette Groups

The default path for tool palette files is set on the Files tab of the Options dialog box, under Tool Palettes File Locations. Tool palettes can be stored in multiple locations, allowing you to use both user-created and company specific tool palettes.

In AutoCAD LT: Tool palette groups are saved in your user application settings.

In other AutoCAD-based products: Tool palette groups are saved in the current profile.