To Export And Import Custom Settings Between The Same Release

You can transfer custom settings between computers with the same release of the product installed, or you can create a backup of your custom settings.

Export Custom Settings

  1. On the Windows Start menu, click Autodesk Export <Product Name> Settings.
  2. In the Export Custom Settings dialog box, select the Include Custom Files in Networked Locations option if you have files in network locations that you want included in the transfer package that is created.
  3. Click Export.
  4. In the Export Custom Settings standard file selection dialog box, enter a name and specify a location for the transfer package. Click Save.

    The utility creates the ZIP file containing the exported custom settings and files.

Import Custom Settings

Follow these steps to import the custom settings and files after exporting them to a transfer package with Export <Product Name> Settings.

  1. On the Windows Start menu, click Autodesk Import <Product Name> Settings.
  2. In the Import Custom Settings dialog box, browse to and select the ZIP file that contains the custom settings that were previously exported. Click Open.
  3. In the confirmation message box, click OK.

    Optionally, select the Display Log File After Closing This Dialog option before clicking OK to display the import log.