To Find Drawing Template Files

  1. Click the Application menu Options, which is a button at the bottom of the Application menu.
    Note: A drawing must be open to access the Options menu item.
  2. In the Options dialog box, Files tab, click the plus sign (+) to the left of Template Settings.
  3. Click the plus sign (+) to the left of Drawing Template File Location.

    The folder path for the drawing template files is displayed.

Mac OS
  1. From the Mac OS menu bar, click <Product Name> Preferences.
    Note: A drawing must be open to see the Preferences menu item.
  2. In the Application Preferences dialog box, Application tab, click the arrow to the left of Template Settings.
  3. Under Template Settings, click the arrow to the left of Drawing Template File Location.

    The location the program looks in for drawing template files is displayed.