WDTYPE Attribute
The WDTYPE attribute value specifies a component category for a non-schematic, non-panel component. It is limited to four characters and can be user-defined. User-defined values must be three or four characters long. For some schematic reports, you can select a component category for the report based on the WDTYPE value.
The program uses the following WDTYPE attribute values.
- 1-
- One-line
- 1-1
- One-line bus-tap
- HY
- Hydraulic
- PN
- Pneumatic
- PI
- P&ID
One-line Symbols
A one-line symbol can be a parent, child, or terminal. These one-line symbols use the same attributes as the schematic parent, child, and terminal symbols but with the following exceptions.
- The attribute must be present and carry a value of “1-” to indicate it is a one-line symbol, or “1-1” for the one-line bus-tap symbols. A bus-tap symbol is used to mark the beginning of a one-line circuit.
- Omitted from one-line cable markers symbols since a one-line cable marker can represent multiple conductors, multiple wires, or core color assignments.
- TERM01
- Omitted from one-line terminal symbols since a one-line terminal can represent multiple independent terminals.
If a TERM01 attribute is added to a one-line symbol, it can be edited in the Insert/Edit Terminal Symbol dialog box. However, terminal number text on one-line terminal symbols is not linked back to terminal number assignments on schematic or panel terminal representations.
Note: Terminal Strip Editor does not process one-line terminals.
Hydraulic, Pneumatic, and P&ID Symbols
- TAG1
Attribute required for component tag name (255 characters maximum). The default value for this attribute becomes the family code string used to build the tag name of the component when the block is inserted into your schematic. This value is used as the Family Code (%F) portion of the tag format code defined in the Drawing Properties dialog box.
Note: When a component is marked with a fixed tag, this attribute name is automatically changed with an F suffix; TAG1F.
- Alternate to using a single TAG1 attribute. These attributes allow the component tag name to be split into two pieces (example: two lines - MDOT on first line and 123 on the second line for a full tag name of MOT123). To include a delimiter character in the tag name but not show it on the drawing, include a TAG_PARTX invisible attribute to carry the delimiter.
Note: The default for the %F tagging parameter, as described in TAG1 previously, is carried on the TAG1_PART1 piece of the attribute pair. If a component with a split tag is marked as Fixed, the attribute names are automatically changed to TAG1F_PART1 and TAG1F_PART2.
- (Child only) Same as TAG1_PART1 and TAG1_PART2 but for child components.
- Attribute used to hold manufacturer name or code (24 characters maximum).
MFGn: Attributes for manufacturer name or code for up to 99 extra part number assignments. The "n" is the sequential code value "01" through "99". If these attributes are not present, the data is saved on the inserted symbol as Xdata.
Note: MFG, CAT, and ASSYCODE generally appear on parent components only; not child contact symbols. If they are included on child symbols, they are counted in the quantity in a Bill of Material report.
- Attribute used to hold catalog part number assignment (60 characters maximum).
CATn: Attributes for catalog value for up to 99 extra part number assignments. The "n" is the sequential code value "01" through "99". If these attributes are not present, the data is saved on the inserted symbol as Xdata.
- Attribute for optional subassembly code that causes AutoCAD Electrical toolset to look for subassembly items to extract into BOM reports (60 characters maximum). Define these subassembly items in the active catalog lookup file in the ASSYCODE and ASSYLIST fields. The value for this attribute is set automatically when you make a selection from the catalog lookup that carries subassembly information.
ASSYCODEn: Attributes for subassembly code value for up to 99 extra part number assignments. The "n" is the sequential code value "01" through "99". If these attributes are not present, the data is saved on the inserted symbol as Xdata.
- Attribute for the item or detail number for a component.
- Attribute for the component's family type (for example, "FI", "INS"; eight characters maximum). Generally, the default value of the FAMILY attribute definition is the same as the default value for the TAG1 or TAG2 attribute of the component. It is used as a check at the time child components are linked to a parent. On a family mismatch, an alert dialog box displays.
if the Family attribute value of the child is left blank, it can be linked to any type of parent symbol.
- Attributes for the component's description (60 characters each maximum).
- Attribute for component installation code (255 characters maximum).
- Attribute for component location code (255 characters maximum).
- Attribute used for cross-referencing related symbols.
- Rating value attribute text where "n" is the rating number digit (RATING1 through RATING12; 60 characters maximum).
- Attribute carried on a parent symbol used for setting up a peer-to-peer relationship. It stores the cross-reference tag name of a related symbol shown on a different drawing type; instrument drawing or pneumatic drawing vs. electrical schematic. For example, an instrument drawing might be included in a project drawing set with a valve tagged FY201. On the electrical schematics, the solenoid for this instrument valve is tagged SV456. The WDTAGALT attribute carried on the schematic valve symbol can be annotated with the FY201 instrument tag name. A WDTAGALT attribute on the symbol of the instrument diagram carries the SV456 tag name pointing back at the schematic representation. With this in place, the program can cross-reference between them, autoupdate, and surf from one drawing type to the other.
Note: For cross-referencing to include these peer references, make sure that the Project Properties
Cross-reference tab
Peer to Peer option is checked.
- Attribute used to define the component category. A missing or blank value indicates a schematic component.
HY. hydraulic
PN. pneumatic
Note: The WDTYPE value can be a user-defined value. User-defined values must be three or four characters long.
- Attribute carried on a parent symbol for Internet URL's, .pdf, .xls, or .doc links that can be surfed on. The attribute value should be the URL, .pdf, .xls, or .doc document file name that should be displayed when selected from the Surf dialog box of the component. Multiple weblink attributes can be assigned to a symbol. Use attribute names with the WD_WEBLINK prefix; WD_WEBLINK1, WD_WEBLINK2, and so on.
- Attribute to define the catalog database table to use for the component. If absent, the catalog table name is based on the block symbol name.
- Connection attributes. The "n" character is an incremented digit starting at "01" used to keep multiple connection point attribute names unique. It also provides a link to an associated terminal number (TERMn) and a terminal description (TERMDESCn) attribute. The "?" character position is used to identify the preferred connection direction:
1: connects to the attribute from the right
2: connects to the attribute from above
4: connects to the attribute from the left
8: connects to the attribute from below
If more than 99 terminals are present on a single symbol, the "n" value can continue with double alpha letters/numbers such as A0, A1, AZ, B0 and so on.
Note: X?TERMn attributes can be stand-alone, meaning there is not an associated TERMn attribute.
- Connection description attributes that match up with X?TERMn connection attributes (128 characters maximum). The value assigned to each termination description attribute can be extracted into various connection reports.
The program uses these attributes to define a terminal as an internal or external connection.
- Terminal pin number attribute where "n" is a two-digit number (starting at 01) that is used to match up with the corresponding X?TERMn connection attribute (ten characters maximum).
A single TERMn attribute can have two, three, or four connection attributes associated with it. For example, a terminal symbol having a single terminal number attribute TERM01 can carry four connection attributes to allow connection from any direction. All four connection attribute names would end with 01 to link them all to the common terminal pin number attribute.