Insert Destination Code Dialog Box

Inserts a wire Destination signal arrow with a wire number from a matching Source.

 Command entry:  AEDESTINATION

The program retrieves the wire number for a destination-arrowed wire network from its associated source-arrowed wire network. Enter the same code number, word, or phrase the source arrow carries to link to it.

Note: A Destination signal arrow cannot be tied to a wire network that carries a pre-assigned fixed wire number.


Specifies the code for the destination signal.


Specifies the description for the destination signal.


Opens a text file, WDSRCDST.WDD, from which you can pick from a list of standard descriptions.


Displays a selection list of codes used within this session.


Displays a selection list of codes used on the active drawing.


Displays a selection list of codes used in the active project.


Temporarily closes the dialog box so you can pick on an existing wire network. If an existing source arrow is found, its signal code is shown in the code box.

Signal Arrow Style

Specifies the arrow style to use for the destination signal.


Closes the dialog box and updates the associated source arrow.