Command |
Description |
Insert Wire AEWIRE |
Inserts single line wire segments on a wire layer (the wire layer does not have to be the current layer). |
Insert 22.5 Degree Wire AE225WIRE |
Inserts an angled (22.5 degree) line wire segment on a wire layer (the wire layer does not have to be the current layer). |
Insert 45 Degree Wire AE45WIRE |
Inserts an angled (45 degree) line wire segments on a wire layer (the wire layer does not have to be the current layer). |
Insert 67.5 Degree Wire AE675WIRE |
Inserts an angled (67.5 degree) line wire segments on a wire layer (the wire layer does not have to be the current layer). |
Interconnect Components AECONNECTCOMP |
Inserts wires between aligned connection points on a pair of selected components. |
Insert Wire Gap AEWIREGAP |
Inserts a gap/loop at the point of two crossing lines. Gaps are automatically inserted when a new wire crosses another. |
Multiple Wire Bus AEMULTIBUS |
Inserts vertical or horizontal bus wiring. Bus spacing defaults to the default ladder rung spacing for horizontal bus. Multiple bus wiring automatically breaks and reconnects to any underlying components that it finds in its path. If it crosses any existing wiring, wire-crossing gaps automatically insert (if the drawing is so configured). |
Insert Wire Numbers AEWIRENO |
Inserts or updates wire numbers associated with wire line entities. |
3 Phase Wire Numbers AE3PHASEWIRENO |
Inserts special wire numbering generally associated with 3-phase bus and motor circuits. |
Inserts wire numbers based on the I/O address that each PLC connected wire touches. Wire numbers go in as FIXED which means that they will not change if a wire number retag is run later on. |
Source Signal Arrow AESOURCE |
Copies wire number from a source-arrowed wire network to any/all associated destination-arrowed wire network. |
Destination Signal Arrow AEDESTINATION |
Retrieves the wire number for a destination-arrowed wire network from its associated source-arrowed wire network.
A Destination signal arrow cannot be tied to a wire network that carries a pre-assigned fixed wire number. |
Fan In/Out Source AEFANINSRC |
Inserts in-line source marker symbols and changes the connected wire on the fan-in side to be on a non-wire layer. |
Fan In/Out Destination AEFANINDEST |
Changes the connected common wires on the fan-out side to non-wire layer but leaves the individual segments on the opposite side of marker on the original wire layer. |
Wire Arrows for Reference Only AEREFWIREARROWS |
Inserts non intelligent, reference-only arrows. |
Insert Ladder AELADDER |
Inserts ladders of a set width and length onto the drawing. There is no limit to the number of ladders that can be inserted into a drawing, but ladders may not overlap each other. Multiple ladder fragments in the same vertical column need to be vertically aligned along their left-hand side.
These limitations do not apply when X-Y Grid or X-Zone referencing is selected. |
XY Grid Setup AEXYGRID |
Inserts the X-Y grid labels for drawings that use X-Y Grid for the Format Referencing. You can also change other settings from here (such as origin) instead of going back into the Drawing Properties dialog box. Your drawing must be configured for X-Y Grids. Set the Format Referencing in the Drawing Properties dialog box to X-Y Grid. |
X Zones Setup AEXZONE |
Inserts the X grid labels for drawings that use X Zones for the Format Referencing. You can also change other settings from here (such as origin) instead of going back into the Drawing Properties dialog box. Your drawing must be configured for X Zones. Set the Format Referencing in the Drawing Properties dialog box to X Zones. |
Wire Number Leader AEWIRENOLEADER |
Repositions the wire number text with an attached leader. |
Wire Color/Gauge Labels AEWIRECOLORLABEL |
Inserts wire color gauge labels with a leader on your drawing's wiring. |
In-Line Wire Labels AEINLINEWIRE |
Inserts a reference-only in-line wire label. |
Inserts cable markers onto the drawing. Cable markers carry a cable TAG value, just like any parent/child device combination. They can also carry a conductor color value (carried as a RATING1 attribute value on the marker block symbol). |
Multiple Cable Markers AEMULTICABLE |
Inserts all the markers for a particular cable. In addition, you can edit existing cable marker sets, or even delete cable markers from this dialog box. |
Insert Dot Tee Markers AEDOTTEE |
Inserts a dot tee connection symbol at a manually drawn wire intersection. If present, this replaces an existing angled wire connection symbol with a dot connection symbol. You cannot insert a tee connection symbol into empty space. A valid line wire ending (not crossing) at a tee intersection somewhere along the length of another line wire is needed. This means that it will not insert a tee connection symbol at a 90-degree wire turn. |
Insert Angled Tee Markers AEANGLETEE |
Inserts an angled tee connection symbol at a manually drawn wire intersection. You cannot insert a tee connection symbol into empty space. If present, this replaces an existing wire connection dot with a tee connection symbol. |