Command |
Description |
Edits components, PLC modules, terminal, wire numbers and signal arrows. |
Add/Edit Internal Jumper AEINTERNALJUMPER |
Adds, changes, or deletes internal jumpers on a selected component. When wire numbers are inserted, these internal jumpers are read and wire numbers are assigned accordingly. |
Fix/UnFix Component Tag AEFIXTAG |
Toggles selected component tag between fixed and normal. |
Copy Catalog Assignment AECOPYCAT |
Inserts or edits catalog part numbers onto the currently selected component or footprint. |
Edit User Table Data AEUSERTABLE |
Edits user-defined Xdata on component or wire numbers and populates the User table in project database file. You can add, edit, or remove free-form user data records attached to the selected block insert. |
Delete Component AEERASECOMP |
Removes the selected component from the drawing. If you erase a parent schematic component, you have the option to search for related child components, surf to them, and delete them. |
Copy Component AECOPYCOMP |
Inserts a copy of an existing component into the drawing and updates the component tags. |
Copies existing circuits and pastes the copied circuit to a specified location. The components are automatically retagged based on their new line reference locations. |
Moves the selected circuit to a specified location. The components are automatically retagged based on their new line reference locations and cross-references are updated. |
Save Circuit to Icon Menu AESAVECIRCUIT |
Saves windowed portions of circuitry for later reuse. Up to 24 circuits can be saved at any one time in this scratch menu. |
Scoots selected components along their connected wires or scoots entire wires, including components, along the bus. A rectangle indicates the selected items. |
Aligns selected components with a master component. All connected wires are adjusted, and wire numbers recentered if necessary. You can align vertically or horizontally by flipping the command by typing V or H at the command line. |
Move Component AEMOVE |
Automatically moves the selected component to a new position. |
Reverse/Flip Component AEFLIP |
Reverses or flips selected component graphics and its associated attributes
This tool only operates on a component with 2-wire connections (ex: limit switch contact symbol). |
Stretches or compresses the windowed portion of PLC modules (or any block insert) while maintaining all of the original block information, including attributes. |
Splits selected PLC module into two separate block definitions (i.e. parent and a child or a child and another child). |
Retag Components AERETAG |
Retags components with contact updates. Run this when something changes on your drawing or project that affects the component tags. This can include revising the ladder line reference numbers or changing the tag format. Retag redoes each selected primary component tag, and then updates the related secondary components. You can select to update a single component, a group of components, a drawing, drawings within your project, or the entire project. |
Find/Edit/Replace Component Text AEFINDCOMPTEXT |
Finds and replaces component and terminal text values or find and replace substrings within those values. You can do this on the active drawing or across the project drawing set. |
Find/Replace Terminal Text AEFINDTERMTEXT |
Finds and replaces terminal number text values or find and replace sub-strings within those values. You can do this on a selection from the active drawing, the entire active drawing, or across the project drawing set. |
Move/Show Attribute AEATTSHOW |
Moves the selected attributes to a picked point. The attributes remain tied to the block inserts |
Edit Selected Attribute AEEDITATT |
Edits an attribute's text by picking right on the attribute. A dialog box displays and you type in a new attribute value. This utility also works on invisible attributes. It finds and displays the closest attribute to your pick point on a block insert. |
Hide Attribute (Single Picks) AEHIDEATT |
Hides selected attribute; to unhide pick on block graphics and un-toggle attribute name in the list. Select the graphic of a target block insert to display a listing of all attribute names and values. You can switch attributes between hidden and visible or you can edit individual attribute values. |
Hide Attributes (Window/Multiple) AEHIDEATTRIB |
Hides window selected attributes you specify in a list of names. |
Unhide Attributes (Window/Multiple) AESHOWATTRIB |
Unhides window selected attributes you specify in a list of names. |
Add Attribute AEATTRIBUTE |
Adds a new attribute to an existing instance of a block insert. |
Rename Attribute AERENAMEATTRIB |
Adds a new attribute to an existing instance of a block insert. |
Squeeze Attribute/Text AEATTSQUEEZE |
Compresses an attribute to make it fit into a tight spot (such as between closely spaced components). Each click on the attribute dynamically changes the attribute's width factor by 5%. |
Stretch Attribute/Text AEATTSTRETCH |
Expands an attribute. Each click on the attribute dynamically changes the attribute's width factor by 5%. |
Change Attribute Size AEATTSIZE |
Changes attribute text size when components or wire numbers have already been inserted onto your drawings. |
Rotate Attribute AEATTROTATE |
Rotates the selected attribute text or MTEXT string 90 degrees from its current orientation. After rotation, press M and [space] to flip into the Move Attribute mode. |
Change Attribute Justification AEATTJUSTIFY |
Changes the justification of wire number text, component description text, or attributes. |
Change Attribute Layer AEATTLAYER |
Forces attribute text entities to a given layer. Select the target layer (type it in or select from the list), press OK and then select the attributes to change to the target layer. |
Flips a contact from one state (open or closed) to the other. It looks at the picked contact, reads its block name, and checks the 5th character position for either 1 or 2. It then substitutes 1 or 2 for the found character. |
Swap/Update Block AESWAPBLOCK |
Use to update or change blocks in place. Attribute values are retained during the swapping process. Wire connections are also maintained even if the new symbol is slightly wider or narrower than the original. |
Reverse Connector AEREVERSE |
Reverses the orientation of the connector about its horizontal or vertical axis. None of the existing wire connections automatically reroute to the reverse side of the connector and you will have to resolve wiring using the wire editing tools. |
Rotate Connector AEROTATE |
Rotates the connector about its insertion point in 90 degree increments. The wire connections do not reroute with each rotation of the connector. You must resolve wiring using the wire editing tools. |
Stretch Connector AESTRETCH |
Increases or decreases the connector's overall shell length. You might do this to make room for new pins or to capture previously added pins that fell beyond the connector shell. You identify which end of the connector is to be altered and the measurement of displacement. |
Split Connector AESPLIT |
Splits the parametric connector into two separate block definitions (i.e. parent and a child or a child and another child). |
Add Connector Pins AECONNECTORPIN |
Adds pins to an existing connector. |
Delete Connector Pins AEERASEPIN |
Removes a pin from an existing connector and, if the connector has a defined pin list, frees this deleted pin to be re-inserted later on this connector or on a related child of this connector. |
Move Connector Pin AEMOVEPIN |
Moves connector pin associated to selected connector. |
Swap Connector Pins AESWAPPINS |
Exchanges one set of connector pin numbers for another on an existing connector or between connectors on the drawing.
You cannot swap a combination connector with a single plug or receptacle connector. Additionally, you cannot use this tool to swap pins from one side of a connector to the other. |
Component Cross-Reference AEXREF |
Collects and annotates groups of components that carry the same TAG text string value (such as “101CR”). Components do not have to be of the same family to be cross-referenced; they just need to have the same TAG1/TAG2/TAG_*/TAG attribute values. |
Hide/Unhide Cross-Reference AEHIDEXREF |
Changes the visibility of cross-references. In most cases the cross-referencing should be visible but there are times when you may not want the cross-referencing displayed on parent symbols. |
Update Stand-Alone Cross-Reference AEUPDATESAXREF |
Updates cross-reference information for two types of cross-reference symbols: wire number signal arrow symbols and standalone cross-reference symbols. It can update your source or destination signals singly, drawing-wide, or project-wide. |
Change Cross-Reference to Multiple Line Text AEXREF2TEXT |
Converts a long string of relay coil or source/destination cross-reference text to a multiline text entity (MTEXT). The underlying attribute value is maintained, but flipped to visible. The MTEXT entity is created at the same XY location as the underlying attribute. The MTEXT entity updates, scoots, and behaves as if it is an attribute tied to the component block. |
Cross-Reference Check AEXREFCHECK |
Displays all associated and parent components to the selected component. A complete list of components is extracted from the project drawing set. The component's tag is read, then all associated components are found and listed in the dialog box. A bill of material check can be performed to see if the item's description indicates that the quantity of contacts can be accommodated. |
Child Location/Description Update AECHILDLOCUPDATE |
Updates child and panel components with installation, location, and description values carried by the associated parent schematic component. |
Copy/Add Component Override AECOPYOVERRIDE |
Copies and/or adds cross-reference component overrides from another symbol. You can define components to have different cross-referencing styles. The settings specified using this tool override the drawing properties. Component overrides are copied when the component is copied; similarly they are applied to multiple inserts of the same component. |
Remove Component Override AERMOVERRIDE |
Removes the component overrides so the cross-referencing commands use the settings for the drawing or project. |
Cross-Reference Table AESHOWXREFTABLE |
Displays a cross-reference table for all stand-alone PLC I/O points that carry the selected component tag. |
Copy Installation/Location Code Values AECOPYINSTLOC |
Performs mass copies of location, installation, group, or mount codes to all of the components you select. You either type in the desired code, pick from an on-line list, or pick a similar master component. |
Associate Terminals AEASSOCTERMINAL |
Associates two or more terminal symbols together. Associating schematic terminals combines the terminals into a single terminal block property definition. The number of schematic terminals that can be combined is limited to the number of levels defined for the block properties. |
Break Apart Terminal Associations AEBREAKASSOC |
Breaks one or more terminal symbols out of an existing association. Schematic terminals are removed from any multi-tier relationship and any schematic-panel relationships. Panel terminals are removed from any schematic-panel relationships. |
Show Terminal Associations AESHOWTERMASSOC |
Displays terminals associated to a selected terminal. |
Edit Jumper AEJUMPER |
Edits the jumper information, such as adding catalog data, or deletes the jumper. |
Copy Terminal Block Properties AECOPYTERMINALPROP |
Copies terminal properties from one terminal symbol to another. If the application of the terminal properties reduces the number of levels and the number of terminal symbols exceeds the total allowed, an alert displays and the properties are not copied. |
Terminal:Show Internal/External Connections AESHOWTERMCONN |
Shows internal and external terminal block connections. |
Terminal:Mark Internal Connections AEMARKTERMINT |
Marks internal terminal block connections. Controls which side of a terminal receives internal wire connections. |
Terminal:Mark External Connections AEMARKTEMEXT |
Marks external terminal block connections. Controls which side of a terminal receives external wire connections. |
Terminal:Erase Internal/External Connections AEERASETEMCONN |
Erases internal and external terminal block connections. |