Format: Schematic to Layout Wire Connection Annotation Dialog Box

Defines the default wire connection text format.

 Command entry:  AEPANELCONFIG

Click Panel wire connection report XYZ offset reference Setup.

After you add wire numbers to your schematics and extract this information, you are ready to annotate your panel footprint symbols with this information. The information is added to the drawing in two different ways:

Note: You can build two sets of panel footprint symbols, one set that does not carry the target attributes for wire information and a set that does. When you insert your panel symbols from the schematic extract, select Use Footprint tables to access the first set of symbols or Use Wiring diag tables to access the second set.


There are two format edit boxes on the dialog box. The "Full" format is used if AutoCAD Electrical toolset does not find the target attributes and inserts MTEXT. The "Partial" format is used if AutoCAD Electrical toolset finds the target attributes (described later). Each format uses parameters that are then replaced with the specific wire information. AutoCAD Electrical toolset provides some pre-defined formats for you to select from the list box at the right. Or you can enter your own format using replaceable parameters.

Parameters must be separated by nonblank delimiters for AutoCAD Electrical toolset to be able to re-extract wiring diagram information into reports. For example, "%T=%W %1 %G" is not acceptable because there is only a space between the %W and %1 and %G parameters. Acceptable formats include "%T=%W (%1) %G" or "%T=%W / %1 (%G)" or "%T=%W (%1) %G".

Note: You cannot use commas in the format. They signal multiple wire connection annotations onto a single wire connection attribute.

Additional options for the "To" component tag

Additional options to include in the text.

Add terminal pin as a suffix to tag

Adds the terminal text as a suffix.

Add terminal description to tag

Adds any terminal description value as a suffix.

Include installation prefix to IEC tag format

Adds any installation value as a prefix.


Allows a preview or test of the report.

Suppress any duplicated annotation on each terminal

Indicates to hide duplicated annotations so that they do not show on the report.