To Work With the Electrical Standards Database Editor

Copy, paste, delete, and edit tables in the electrical standards database file for Circuit Builder.

Note: For capabilities not provided by the electrical standards database editor, use Microsoft Access.

Start the Editor

  1. Click Schematic tabOther Tools panelDatabase Editors drop-downElectrical Standards Database Editor. Find
  2. Expand the tree list on the left-hand side of the dialog box.

    The highest level is separated by electrical standard as defined by the table suffix. Any tables without a suffix are listed under Default.

Open and Close a Table

  1. Select the table you want to open.
  2. Right-click and select Open on the context menu.
    Note: You can also double-click a table name to open it.
  3. To close a table, move the mouse over the tab for the table. An X is displayed. Click the X.
  4. Select Yes to save the changes if prompted.

Edit a Table

  1. Select the table you want to open.
  2. Right-click and select Open on the context menu.

Edit contents

  1. Click the cell to edit and type to overwrite the contents.

    Double-click the cell to edit the contents.

  2. Click Save.

Add a record

  1. Click to the left of a row to highlight a row.
  2. Right-click to display the context menu.
  3. Click Add New Record.

    The new record is added at the end of the table.

  4. Enter values in each cell of the new row.
  5. Click Save.

Delete a record

  1. Click to the left of a row to highlight a row.
  2. Right-click to display the context menu.
  3. Click Delete Record.
  4. Click Save.

Copy and paste

  1. Click to the left of a row to highlight a row.
  2. Right-click to display the context menu.
  3. Click Copy.

    The contents of the row are placed in memory.

  4. Right-click to display the context menu.
  5. Click Paste.

    The copied record is added at the end of the table.

  6. Edit the contents of the cells.
  7. Click Save.

Add a column

  1. Click a column label.
  2. Right-click to display the context menu.
  3. Click Insert Column.

    The Insert Column dialog box displays.

  4. Enter a name for the column.
  5. Select the column type, Text, or Number.
  6. Click OK.

    The column is added at the end.

  7. Enter the cell values.
  8. Click Save.
Note: Columns can only be added to the AMP, INSUL, MOTOR_I_CALC, and XL&R tables.

Delete a column

  1. Click a column label.
  2. Right-click to display the context menu.
  3. Click Delete Column.

    The Delete Column task dialog displays.

  4. Click Yes.
    Note: This change is written to the database file immediately and cannot be canceled or undone.
Note: Columns can only be deleted from the AMP, INSUL, MOTOR_I_CALC, and XL&R tables.


  1. Double-click a column to sort by the contents of that column.
Note: Sorting is temporary and is not saved to the file.

Delete a table

  1. Select the table you want to delete.
    Note: Use the shift or ctrl keys to select multiple tables.
  2. Right click and select Delete on the context menu.

    The Delete Tables task dialog displays.

  3. Click Yes.
Note: This change is written to the database file immediately and cannot be canceled or undone.

Copy and Paste a Table

  1. Select the table you want to copy and paste.
    Note: Use the shift or ctrl keys to select multiple tables.
  2. Right click and select Copy on the context menu.
  3. Right click again and select Paste.

    The Copying Table dialog box displays.

  4. Enter the name for the new table. If multiple tables were selected to copy, enter a name for each table as prompted.

    To paste a table into a different electrical standard, add the appropriate suffix to the table name. For example, if you want to paste the default OPT table to the NEC standard, enter the name OPT_NEC. If the NEC standard does not exist in the database file, it is created.

Note: See Electrical standards database file for table naming rules.