To Create a Symbol Builder Attribute Template

Symbol Builder provides some family attribute templates. Each template contains the required and optional attributes for a certain type of symbol. Based on the options selected on the Select Symbol/Objects dialog box in Symbol Builder, an attribute template is used. The attributes on the template are listed in the Symbol Builder Attribute Editor making it easy to insert them on your symbol.

AutoCAD Electrical toolset does not provide an attribute template for every type of symbol. Consider creating your own if you expect to create a number of new symbols. There are three basic steps to creating a Symbol Builder attribute template.

Note: Wire connection attributes are not included in the symbol attribute templates but are in separate wire connection templates.
  1. Create a drawing file following the naming convention “AT_{symbol}_{type}.dwg” containing the AutoCAD Electrical toolset attribute definitions.
  2. (Optional) Add the xdata and indexed attributes which tell the Symbol Builder Attribute Editor how to handle each attribute.
  3. (Optional) Add the symbol type to the “_FAMILY_DESCRIPTION” table in the catalog database file.

Attribute template naming convention

Attribute templates follow the naming convention, AT_{symbol}_{type}. The {symbol} and {type} values appear in the lists on the Select Symbol / Objects dialog box. The selections from these lists direct Symbol Builder to the appropriate attribute template.

The {symbol} value appears in the Symbol list in the Select Symbol/Objects dialog box. Certain codes are recognized by Symbol Builder, such as “HP” for “Horizontal Parent”. You can use an existing recognized code or use the full text, such as “AT_Horizontal Parent_{type}.dwg”.

The {type} value appears in the Type list in the Select Symbol/Objects dialog box. You can also map abbreviations for the {type} in the _FAMILY_DESCRIPTION table of the catalog database, default_cat.mdb.

Indexed attributes and xdata

An attribute template can contain an attribute definition that can be indexed. For example, AutoCAD Electrical toolset allows up to 12 Rating attributes. If the attribute template contains an attribute “RATING(x)” this attribute can be indexed in Symbol Builder.

Certain optional xdata directs the attribute display in the Symbol Builder Attribute Editor. Use the Xdata Editor to add or modify the xdata on an attribute definition.


Possible values "Required" or "Optional". The default value is “Required” if the xdata is not present.


The value provides an attribute description inside the Symbol Builder Attribute Editor.


The value defines a group of attributes to insert together. The value lists all the attributes which are inserted along with the attribute with this xdata. The attributes listed are not displayed in the Symbol Builder Attribute Editor. For example, if you want DESC2 and DESC3 inserted when you insert DESC1, add this xdata with the value “DESC2,DESC3” to the DESC1 attribute definition.


MFG, CAT, and ASSYCODE are a default group. To insert them separately, add this xdata to the MFG attribute with a blank value.


The value provides the maximum number of times to index an attribute such as “RATING”. The default value is “12” if the xdata is not present.


The value provides the display order.

Symbol type

Edit the “_FAMILY_DESCRIPTION” table in the catalog database, default_cat.mdb, to map the symbol name type value to a description. This description is used in the Type list on the Select Symbol / Objects dialog box. For example, if the attribute template name is “AT_HP_PS.DWG” but you want “Power Supply” shown in the list on the dialog box, add an entry with “PS” in the Family column, and “Power Supply” in the Description.