Project-Wide Utilities Dialog Box

Provides the means for operations on wire numbers, component tags, attribute text, wire types, and item numbers. You can define scripts and apply them project-wide.

 Command entry:  AEUTILITIES

You can have multiple drawings open at any time. However, to maximize performance and memory usage, minimize the number of open drawings when running project-wide commands.

Wire Numbers

Select to keep wire numbers the same, erase specified wire numbers, reset specified wire numbers, or set wire numbers to fixed or normal.

Signal Arrow Cross-reference text

Select to maintain the signal arrow cross-reference text or to remove all signal arrow cross-reference text across the current project.

Parent Component Tags: Fix/Unfix

Select to maintain the component tags or to set all parent component tags to fixed or normal across the current project.

Item Numbers: Fix/Unfix

Select to maintain the item numbers or to set all item numbers to fixed or normal across the current project. If you run Resequence Item Numbers later on, fixed item numbers do not change.

Change Attribute

Change Attribute Size

Click Setup to select the attributes to change, and then enter the height and width definitions for the selected attributes.

Note: If you do not want the attribute height or width to change, do not enter a value definition.

Change Style

Click Setup to select a text font to apply to the text style used on component attributes.

For each drawing

Enter the name or browse to a command script file to use for each drawing in the current project or to purge all blocks.

Wire Types

Imports wire types defined on another drawing or drawing template. Enter the drawing or template name or browse to it using the browse button. The program reads the specified drawing and extracts all wire type information. Click Setup to display the Import Wire Types dialog box where you: