AutoCAD Electrical toolset can link project description lines and some of the drawing properties to attributes on the drawing title block.
The title block utility:
- Automates project-wide title block updates.
- Supports multiple title blocks per drawing.
- Maps AutoCAD Electrical toolset project description lines to specific attributes.
- Maps AutoCAD Electrical toolset per-drawing values to specific attributes.
- Maps AutoLISP values, system variables, or environment variables to specific attributes.
AutoCAD Electrical toolset uses two methods to map the AutoCAD Electrical toolset values to attributes on the title block:
- WD_TB attribute method - mapping information embedded on the title block. This option is self-contained in the drawing and requires no external file. It is limited to the number of characters that can be placed on a single attribute.
- WDT file method - external attribute mapping file. This option can update the attributes on existing title blocks, even if the title block does not contain the WD_TB attribute.
During a title block update, AutoCAD Electrical toolset follows this sequence to determine which method to use.