About CLEN Calculation

How the wire length is calculated in the From/To Report.

CLEN, or cable length, is calculated as the distance between the From and To components. This length is the sum of the distances between the component terminals measured along three axes: X, Y, and Z. CLEN represents the minimum length of wire needed to travel a rectilinear path between the two components in straight vertical and horizontal lines, with right-angle turns where required.

The following diagrams show that CLEN is a straight-line distance between terminals that are aligned horizontally (line A) or vertically (line B). Otherwise, the calculated length assumes that the wire makes right-angle bends (line C).

The actual cable length may need to be longer than CLEN to allow for routing requirements. CLEN represents the distance between devices in the schematic diagram, but only if the devices are also in the panel layout and have wire connection attributes. Otherwise, the CLEN field is blank.