About Setting Up AutoCAD Electrical Toolset for Multiple Users

You can manually move any shared files to a new central location after installation by using normal Microsoft Windows operations to cut or copy and paste from their local location to a central shared location. These shared files are located by AutoCAD Electrical toolset as long as they are placed in the AutoCAD Electrical toolset defined path (such as in the project's subdirectory), the path given by the AutoCAD Electrical toolset environment variable, or AutoCAD search paths.

Note: We recommend that you create a backup of your information in another location and remove the shared data from your local drive to ensure that the data is being located correctly.

Shared files

The following shared files can be pasted from your local machine to a shared location. The table lists the file names, default location, and any WD.ENV file lines that must be modified.

The main executables and static support files are located under C:\Program Files [(x86)]\Autodesk\AutoCAD {version}\Acade\. The user-modifiable support files and database content are found under C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\AutoCAD Electrical {version}\{release}\{country code}\.

Note: It is not required that you share these files, but sharing makes it easier for multiple users to work with projects in AutoCAD Electrical toolset.
default_cat.mdb, footprint_lookup.mdb, schematic_lookup.mdb, wd_lang1.mdb, wd_picklist.mdb, wddinrl.xls, ace_electrical_standards.mdb

C:\Users\{username}\Documents\Acade {version}\AeData\{language code}\Catalogs

WD.ENV file edit:

Original path: WD_CAT,%WD_DIR%/catalogs/,AE catalog file path

Edited path: WD_CAT,N:Electrical/Shared_Files/Catalogs/,AE catalog file path

Note: These files must be kept in the same location since the program locates them according to the same WD.ENV file entry.
Circuit Builder Spreadsheet

C:\Users\Public\Documents\Autodesk\Acade {version}\Support\{language code}

WD.ENV file edit:

Original file name: WD_CIRCBUILDER_FNAM,”ace_circuit_builder.xls”,Circuit Builder spreadsheet file name

Edited name: WD_CIRCBUILDER_FNAM,”my_ace_circuit_builder.xls”,Circuit Builder spreadsheet file name

Symbol Libraries
ieee, jic1, jic125, iec-60617, iec2, iec4, jis2, gb2, panel, pneu_iso125

C:\Users\Public\Documents\Autodesk\Acade {version}\Libs

Note: The symbol library path is stored with each project in its .wdp file and must be modified.
Icon Menus (Insert Component Menus)

C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\AutoCAD Electrical {version}\{release}\{country code}\Support

Note: The menu path is stored with each project in its .wdp file and must be modified.
Slide Images
ACE_GB.slb, ACE_GB.dll, ACE_JIS.slb, ACE_JIS.dll, ace_as.slb, ace_as.dll, ace_hyd.slb, ace_hyd.dll, ace_pid.slb, ace_pid.dll, bb.slb, iec1.slb, iec.dll, loc2.slb, pn0.slb, pn0.dll, pn1.slb, pn1.dll, pn2.slb, pn2.dll, pn3.slb, pn3.dll, pnl2.slb, pnl2.dll, pnl.slb, pnl.dll, s1.slb, s1.dll, s2.slb, s2.dll, Ww.slb

C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\AutoCAD Electrical {version}\{release}\{country code}\Support


C:\Program Files [(x86)]\Autodesk\AutoCAD {version}\Acade\Support\{language code}

WD.ENV file edit:

Original path: *WD_SLB,x:some path/, to override path pointing to ".slb" slide lib support files

Edited path: WD_SLB,N:/Electrical/Shared_Files/Slides/, to override path pointing to ".slb" slide lib support files

Note: For the path in the .env file to be recognized, the asterisk (*) in front of the line must be removed. These slide files may be relocated using this path, or they can just be placed in the same location as the menu files.
PLC Database and Images
Content of PLC folder (ace_plc.mdb and bitmap files)

C:\Users\{username}\Documents\Acade {version}\AeData\{language code}\PLC

Note: These files must be in a location that is specified as an AutoCAD Support path. They can be placed in a location that is already defined as being a support path, or you can add a new support path pointing to this location.
Description Selection List

C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\AutoCAD Electrical {version}\{release}\{country code}\Support

Note: This file must be in a location that is specified as an AutoCAD Support path. It can be placed in a location that is already defined as being a support path, or you can add a new support path pointing to this location.
Installation, Location Code Selection Lists
default.inst, default.loc

Optional files, are not supplied as part of the installation. To create in Notepad, create a file with the project name and an .inst or .loc extension and save to an AutoCAD Support path so the program can find it. To create a file used by all projects, save it as "default.inst" or "default.loc".

Note: These files must be in a location that is specified as an AutoCAD Support path. They can be placed in a location that is already defined as being a support path, or you can add a new support path pointing to this location.

Using network deployment

You can alternately install AutoCAD Electrical toolset databases, symbol libraries, part footprint files, and support files to a shared network location, so all users can work from a common standard database and simplifying database management and configuration.

You can create a deployment image to install in client systems. To start the network deployment, select Create Deployment in the AutoCAD Electrical toolset installation program. During deployment configuration, select the manufacturers and libraries to install. Check Shared Symbol Libraries and define the shared network path for the libraries. Check Shared Catalog Database and Support Files and define the shared network path for the catalog and other support files.

Note: You cannot create a network deployment after installing AutoCAD Electrical toolset as a stand-alone program on individual machines.

Referencing icon menus from other menu files

You can also share custom symbols to be accessed by multiple users. The easiest way to do this is to create and link to your own menu file.

You can set up AutoCAD Electrical toolset's icon menuing system so that you can switch back and forth from the default menu file (such as ACE_JIC_menu.dat) to your own menu (for example "special_menu.dat").