Panel tab - Conduit Tools panel

The Conduit Tools Panel is off by default.




Conduit Marker (Pick)


Formats an inter-wiring list from a selection of interconnected components. Inserts as a conduit tag.

Conduit Marker (From/To List)


Formats an inter-wiring list from a subset of a component from/to report. Inserts as a conduit tag.

Edit Conduit Marker


Edits conduit marker tag, descriptions, and wire assignments.

Conduit Marker Report


Extracts conduit marker information into a report. Extractable conduit marker symbols are named “WWAY*.” A conduit can be represented by a line or a polyline and by itself does not carry any intelligence. However, you can insert a conduit marker symbol and associate it to a conduit. The conduit marker symbol then carries wire information intelligence pulled from the AutoCAD Electrical toolset drawings.

Wire/Conduit Routing Report


Reports a list of conduit tag assignments that a given wire or cable passes through.

Extract Wire Data


Extracts schematic wiring information prior to conduit assignment.