Configure a circuit both in terms of the physical devices and the device annotation values before inserting it.
FindOn the Select Circuit dialog box, select a circuit and click Configure.
Name |
Enter a name for the circuit. This name is added to the History list on the Circuit Selection dialog box for future insertion. |
Circuit Elements |
Displays the circuit elements for the selected circuit for configuring. The tree structure is created dynamically based on the circuit template. Select a circuit element to configure it. |
Select |
Select the options for the highlighted circuit element.
Note: The displayed options, along with default values, are defined in the circuit builder spreadsheet.
Setup & Annotation |
Enter device annotation values, rung spacing, and wire type for the circuit.
Note: The displayed values for the circuit are based on a motor or load lookup in the electrical standards database.
Inserts only the highlighted circuit element. |
Inserts all the circuit elements up to and including the highlighted circuit element. |
Inserts all the circuit elements. |
Reverses the most recently inserted circuit element. |
Motor or Load Setup |
Displays the Select Motor or Select Load dialog box. Use this dialog box to specify settings by selecting from a list of predefined parameters. |
Motor or Load Setup |
Temporarily closes the dialog box so that you can select an existing motor or power feed and reuse the existing values. |
Wire Setup |
Displays the Wire Size Lookup dialog box. Use this dialog to select a wire size based on load and various other parameters. |