DIMCEN (System Variable)

Controls drawing of circle or arc center marks and centerlines by the DIMCENTER, DIMDIAMETER, and DIMRADIUS commands.

Type: Real
Saved in: Drawing
Initial value: 0.0900 (imperial) or 2.5000 (metric)

For DIMDIAMETER and DIMRADIUS, the center mark is drawn only if you place the dimension line outside the circle or arc.




No center marks or lines are drawn


Centerlines are drawn


Center marks are drawn

The absolute value specifies the size of the center mark or centerline.

The size of the centerline is the length of the centerline segment that extends outside the circle or arc. It is also the size of the gap between the center mark and the start of the centerline.

The size of the center mark is the distance from the center of the circle or arc to the end of the center mark.