To Republish a Markup Set

  1. Click File menuLoad Markup Set.
  2. In the Open Markup DWF dialog box, select a file that contains markups. Click Open.

    The Markup Set Manager opens and displays the markup set in the tree view.

  3. In the Markup Set Manager, double-click a markup node or drawing sheet node to open your original DWG file.
  4. In the drawing area, make the required changes to your DWG file.
  5. In the Markup Set Manager, click markup nodes and change the status or add comments as necessary.
  6. Click Republish Markup DWF at the top of the Markup Set Manager.
  7. Click one of the following:
    • Republish All Sheets. Clicking this option republishes all sheets in the marked-up DWF file.
    • Republish Markup Sheets. Clicking this option republishes only those sheets in the marked-up DWF file that have associated markups.
  8. In the Specify DWF File dialog box, select a file or enter a name for the file. Click Select.

    By default, the previously created marked-up file name is displayed and is overwritten unless a new name is entered.