Paragraph Dialog Box

Sets indentation for paragraphs and the first lines of paragraphs.

MTEXT (Command)

Tool Set: Drafting tab > Text panel > Multiline Text : right-click the selected text > Paragraph.


Specifies tab stops, indents, controls paragraph alignment, paragraph spacing, and paragraph line spacing.

List of Options

The following options are displayed.


Specifies the tab stops and decimal styles to use for the paragraph.

Tab Stops

Displays tab setting options, including adding and removing tabs. Options include setting left, center, right, and decimal tabs. You can also set tabs from the Tab selection button on the In-Place Editor’s ruler.

Decimal style

Sets the decimal style based on current user locale. Options include setting the decimal style as period, comma, and space. This setting is preserved with the drawing even if the locale setting is changed.


Controls the left and right indents for the paragraph.


Sets the indent value for the first line or hanging indent to the selected or current paragraphs.


Applies the indent to the entire selected or current paragraph.

Alignment & Spacing

Defines the alignment and spacing for the paragraph.

Paragraph Alignment

Sets the alignment properties for the current or selected paragraphs.

Paragraph Spacing

Specifies the spacing before or after the current or selected paragraphs. The distance between two paragraphs is determined by the total of the after paragraph spacing value of the upper paragraph and the before paragraph spacing value of the lower paragraph.

Line Spacing

Sets the spacing between individual lines in the current or selected paragraphs.