To Attach Spaces to Zones

For load calculation purposes, you must assign all spaces to one or more zones. You can also attach zones to other zones, which is useful for exporting zone data through reference drawings. However, the Export gbXML command exports only those zones that have spaces assigned. Zones without spaces assigned to them will not be exported.

  1. Select a zone and click the Add grip.
    Note: Alternatively, click Zone tab Modify panel Attach .
  2. Select the spaces or zones to attach to the zone. Continue attaching spaces to zones as needed.

    You can attach spaces or zones in reference drawings to a zone in the current drawing.

    Attention: Zones in reference drawings cannot be exported to gbXML unless they are attached to a zone in the current drawing. However, even when a zone in a reference drawing is attached to a zone in the current drawing, any zone will not be exported if the spaces attached to it are attached to other zones that have already been added to the export map.
  3. (Optional) Use the Space/Zone Manager to review the zone hierarchy, and to review space information such as surface and opening type.