About Defining Property Set Data

You define property set data for an object by establishing a link to one or more property set definitions. The property set data assigns a value for each object property in the property set definition(s). Automatic property values are defined based on the attached object or style and are dynamically updated when the object or style is modified. Manual property values are numbers or text strings that you enter, and they can be modified at any time.

Property set data can be attached to an object, object style, or object definition. You can also edit or browse property set data or renumber any property set that increments automatically, such as a register number.

If you want to… then on the Properties Palette…
attach property set data to a selected object click the Extended Data tab, and click Add property sets. In the Add Property Sets dialog box, select the property sets to attach to the object.

You can also attach property sets to devices by specifying the property sets in the properties of device tools.

Note: To attach property set data to object styles or definitions, assign the property sets to the style or definition in Style Manager.
edit property set data for one or more selected objects click the Extended Data tab, and edit the property set values that can be manually edited. If you edit a property set for a scheduled object, you can update the schedule to reflect the change.
remove property sets from selected objects click the Extended Data tab, and click Remove property sets. In the Remove Property Sets dialog box, select the property set definitions to remove from the object.
change the property set value to renumber selected objects click the Extended Data tab, and change the start number and/or increment value.