To Reload the Electrical Project Database

If two or more people are working simultaneously on electrical drawings, you can reload the latest data from the electrical project database into your current drawing to ensure that you have current circuit information. Or, if you have two or more linked drawings open, and you save changes to one, you can reload the electrical project database, thus adding the changes to the other drawing.

For example, if someone assigns devices to a circuit in another drawing while your drawing is open, you can reload the electrical project database in your current drawing, and view the current number of devices assigned to that circuit. This ensures that you have accurate circuit information across all drawings that use the electrical project database.

As soon as a linked drawing is saved, the Electrical Project Database Status icon indicates that the database needs to be reloaded in your current drawing. If a linked drawing is not open when changes are made, you do not need to reload the electrical project database. The latest version of the electrical project database is loaded automatically when you open the drawing.

The steps in the following procedure show how to manually reload the electrical project database. Also, the database is also always reloads when you open a drawing.

Note: Note that the electrical project database reloads automatically every 5 minutes. This time interval is not configurable, and it is always on.

To manually reload the electrical project database

  1. In the application status bar, note that the electrical project database status displays an alert marker .

    This marker indicates that changes have been saved to the electrical project database from one or more linked drawings.

  2. Click the Electrical Project Database Status icon once, or right-click the icon and click Reload Electrical Project Database.

    The electrical project database status displays as current.

  3. If the electrical project database cannot find one or more of the drawings linked to the electrical project database, the Electrical Project Database Reload dialog box prompts you, giving you the option to remove the missing drawing data from the electrical project database.

    If you do not want to use the drawing in the electrical project database, select the check box to remove its data from the electrical project database. For example, the missing drawing is one you deleted and that you did not want to use.

    If you want to keep the drawing data in the electrical project database, clear the check box. For example, you want to use the missing drawing, but it resides on a server that is temporarily unavailable.