BOM Migration Wizard - Analyzing Project - Step (AutoCAD Mechanical Toolset)

Displays the analysis progress and provides some information about errors detected in the analysis process.

Analyzing drawing

Displays which drawing is currently being analyzed. For example, if the project contains 20 drawings and the tenth drawing is being analyzed, “10 of 20” is displayed.

Progress bar

Indicates the progress of the analysis process.

Pause button

Stops the analysis process temporarily.

Play button

Resumes the analysis process from where it was stopped.


Displays the status of each test that is performed.


Indicates that result of the test is yet to be determined.


Indicates that the drawings passed the tests.


Means that an error was detected in at least one drawing in the project.

Error category

Displays the errors that the drawings were checked for.


Displays the number of errors found for each error category.

View Log File

Opens the log file in Notepad. The button is available only when the analysis process is complete.


Moves to the next page and starts the migration process.