If you are familiar with AutoCAD, but are new to AutoCAD Mechanical toolset, these tips can help make the transition smoother.
AutoCAD Mechanical toolset Commands
AutoCAD Mechanical toolset provides commands that are purpose built for typical manufacturing drawings. Sometimes the functionality of an AutoCAD Mechanical toolset command overlaps with that of an AutoCAD command. In such a scenario we recommend that you use the AutoCAD Mechanical toolset command. AutoCAD Mechanical toolset commands are purpose built for manufacturing drawing operations and can accomplish related tasks faster than the equivalent AutoCAD commands. So we provided a command map, which you can use to look up AutoCAD commands and locate the equivalent AutoCAD Mechanical toolset command.
AutoCAD Mechanical toolset Workflows
In order to make the most of AutoCAD Mechanical toolset, we recommend several workflows, which are different to the workflows typically employed in AutoCAD. These workflows are described in the topic AutoCAD- AutoCAD Mechanical toolset Workflow Comparison.
AutoCAD Commands and System Variables
Some AutoCAD Commands do not work well on AutoCAD Mechanical toolset Objects. The topic "AutoCAD Features that Behave Differently in AutoCAD Mechanical toolset" lists such commands. This topic also discusses AutoCAD Mechanical toolset commands that don't work well in environments such as the Block Editor.
AutoCAD Mechanical toolset depends on several AutoCAD system variables to automate workflows. If you modify these system variables you can negatively impact the behavior of the AutoCAD Mechanical toolset workflows. Hence, we have restricted the ability to modify some system variables. The topic "AutoCAD Features that Behave Differently in AutoCAD Mechanical toolset" lists these as well. We have also listed some system variables that you are allowed to modify but may interfere with AutoCAD Mechanical toolset under special circumstances.