AMSMOVE (Command)

Moves geometry from a folder or component view to another. It can also move geometry from model space to a folder/component view and vice versa.


In the drawing area, select geometry or occurrences of component views or folders to move to another folder or view. The Objects containing with detail views or annotation views.

List of Prompts

The following prompts are displayed.

Select objects to move to another folder/view
Specifies the objects to move. views between two instances of the same component.
  • Component - Removes a view from one instance of a component and adds it to another instance of the same component.
Select object to specify destination folder/view
Specifies destination component view or folder for the selected objects. You can specify the component view or folder by selecting a geometry they contain.
  • Active - Places objects in the active folder or component view.
    Note: The active folder or view is the default destination, but you can select another folder or view. A message notifies you if the selected occurrences cannot be moved because of invalid parent-child relationships. If you select an external reference component view or folder, AutoCAD Mechanical toolset locks the external reference drawing file. If the file is in use, a message box to that effect is displayed and the operation is aborted.
  • ModelSpace - Removes objects from the mechanical structure and places them in model space.