About Using Content Libraries (video)

Learn how to insert standard parts and features from content libraries and generate various orthographic views.

In addition to inserting standard parts and features, this video demonstrates how to insert entire screw assemblies. It also demonstrates how the AMPOWERERASE command erases standard parts while healing the surrounding areas.

This video was recorded on AutoCAD Mechanical 2015, but continues to be valid for AutoCAD Mechanical 2022 toolset.


Time Stamp Commentary
00:05 In this video I am going to show you how easy and convenient it is to work with content libraries. Most drawings, just like this differential, are full of standard parts. Now imagine if you had to draw them all by yourself! With AutoCAD Mechanical toolset you don’t have to worry about that. In the content library you can choose from several thousand pre-drawn standard parts and features.
00:29 Now let’s see how to work with them. I want to insert a roller bearing here. Libraries for frequently used standard parts like roller bearings have shortcut buttons. You can search for your part, browse through the folders or navigate by clicking on the images. Just as you like it best. I pick this Needle Roller Bearing and select the front view. By the way, can you see the little green cross in the image? This is the insertion point of the part. You will find a cross like that for all parts in the content libraries. I go on and I pick the insertion point on the shaft contour followed by the centerline of the shaft. Then I select the shaft to specify the inner diameter, the outer diameter and the width. One final click to place it and we’re done.
01:45 Whenever you insert a part, the sequence of prompts and dialog boxes will always be very similar to the one you’ve just seen. If you want to make any changes to the bearing, simply double click it and the dialog box pops up again. AutoCAD Mechanical toolset always checks first if the requested part actually exists as a standard part. Let me give you an example. When I only change the outer diameter to 20mm, AutoCAD Mechanical toolset lets me know that there is no such standard bearing.
02:20 As a last step I copy the bearing and paste it onto the other shaft. I use the AMPOWERCOPY command, not the standard copy paste command as it also copies the part reference. This behavior comes in really handy when you want to create a Parts List later. Apart from various individual standard parts, you can also insert entire screw assemblies by using just one single command. Let’s see how it works.
02:53 This is where I want to insert the screw connection. I start the screw connection wizard from the ribbon. It lets me select all the parts I need for the screw connection one by one. I start by selecting a screw and choose to insert the front view. On the right the wizard tells me the sizes that are available. Watch how the options narrow down while I pick the parts. I next select a through hole for the first section and I go on with adding another hole of the same type for the second section. Finally I choose a nut. When I select the diameter of the screw I go for an M8 thread and the dimensions of the holes and the nut adapt accordingly. Now I’m ready to insert the screw connection in the drawing. I mark the length of the two holes. Then AutoCAD Mechanical toolset calculates the length of the bolt and draws the screw connection.
04:08 Now let me show you something very handy. Let’s say I want to delete the screw connection. I click the “Erase” button on the home tab and select the screw connection. Note how the surroundings heal automatically! Now take a look at the tooltip. The button doesn’t call the AutoCAD ERASE command. It calls the AMPOWERERASE command instead, which is special to AutoCAD Mechanical toolset. This command knows about mechanical objects in the drawing and cleans up the surroundings when you erase one.
04:45 Next I generate the top view of this screw and place it here. I start the AMPOWERVIEW command from the ribbon, I select the screw, specify what view to generate and then I place it. I copy the view to the three other places I have marked using the AMPOWERCOPY command. The result will look like this.
05:25 So far we entered all the special libraries by clicking on shortcuts. To browse through all available libraries in one panel click the Content Libraries button. By expanding the tree, you can navigate to the part and view you want to insert. You can also create your own content or use your company’s parts library. Simply add it to the custom content section. For more Information about that check out the AutoCAD Mechanical toolset Help.