To Create a Jogged Radius Dimension (AutoCAD Mechanical Toolset)

  1. Click Home tabDimension panelPower Dimension. Find
  2. Press ENTER.
  3. In the drawing area, select the arc (1).
  4. Enter J.
  5. Click to specify a point for the dimension origin (the center location override) (2).
  6. Click to specify a point for the dimension line angle (3).
  7. Click to specify the location of the dimension jog (4).
  8. Edit the dimension as required, using the settings on the Power Dimensioning ribbon contextual tab, or click Power Dimensioning tabPredefined drop-down ( Find) and select a predefined dimension text template.
  9. Click Power Dimensioning tabClose panel Close Editor. Find
  10. Press ENTER to end dimensioning.