Symbol tab |
Options |
Datum area on far side Changes the leader linetype to dashed, indicating that the datum target is on the far side. |
Requirements |
Dimension Specifies the size of the datum area. |
Datum Specifies a label to identify the datum. You can specify a datum reference letter and a target number of up to 3 digits. |
Leader and Text tab |
Arrowhead Specifies the type of the leader arrowhead. The setting By Standard acquires the arrowhead from the current drafting standard. If you change the arrowhead selected for the current drafting standard in the Standard Settings dialog box or Datum Target Settings dialog box. The arrowhead for this symbol updates automatically. |
Edit object attachment |
Attach Attaches the symbol to a geometry in the drawing. |
Detach Detaches the symbol. The symbol becomes a free-standing object. |
Settings Opens the Datum Target Settings dialog box and enables you to edit the default settings for the current drafting standard. |