About the AutoCAD Mechanical Toolset User Interface (video)

Learn about the different components of the user interface, how commands are organized on the ribbon, and the similarities to between AutoCAD's and AutoCAD Mechanical toolset's user interface.

This video applies to AutoCAD Mechanical 2017.


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Let's start by taking a look at the user interface. When you start AutoCAD Mechanical toolset you’ll see the application window and a single drawing window. These make up the user interface. If you have worked with AutoCAD before; then you’ll notice that the AutoCAD Mechanical toolset user interface looks very similar to AutoCAD. Even if you’re new to AutoCAD, you’ll be able to find the commands you need quickly and easily.


Now let’s take a closer look. The User Interface consists of the following components. This is the drawing area. This is where you create and modify your drawings. Above the drawing area you'll find the ribbon. This is where you can find all the commands and tools you need. They are arranged in tabs and panels.


The ribbon is not the only way to select commands. You can also work with the command line. Just type in the command you want to use, or provide input for the current command. This is a very quick and direct way to navigate through AutoCAD Mechanical toolset.


To save, open or publish a drawing, click on the Application Button. If you are looking for a specific command you can search for it here.


Now let’s see how the commands are organized on the ribbon. On the home tab you have quick access to the most frequently used commands. For example you can draw a geometry and instantly add dimensions. Notice that I don’t have to jump from one tab to another to do that. That’s pretty convenient and it saves time as well.

Alright, let me erase the circle again.

If you want to use more specific commands you’ll find them on the other tabs.


AutoCAD Mechanical toolset offers some additional commands that you won’t find in AutoCAD. They’ll help you to create precise mechanical drawings faster. For example on the content tab you can insert standard parts, screw connections, holes and a lot of other content.


AutoCAD Mechanical toolset is built on top of AutoCAD. That’s why you’ll probably see a lot of commands you already know. But some of these commands are enhanced, to meet the requirements of mechanical drawings. Let’s go back to the home tab to have a look at an example.

At first glance, the rectangle command looks pretty much the same as in AutoCAD. But this one offers some more options. Take a look at the drop down menu. You can chose by which points you want to define the rectangle or automatically add centerlines, as you can see in the tooltip.


In AutoCAD Mechanical toolset you can also change the workspace environment. To do that just click the workspace button down here and make a selection.

By now you’ve probably noticed already that AutoCAD Mechanical toolset is AutoCAD and more. To learn more about the additional features just watch the other getting started videos.