VTools Follower Tab (AutoCAD Raster Design Options Dialog Box)

Use this tab to control the behavior of the follower tools used for vectorization.

Follower Color

Displays the current color used to mark the progress of the follower. Click the Select button to display the color palette.

Pan To Decision Point

Pans automatically to ensure that the current decision point is always on screen.

End Current Polyline If Closed Loop Detected

Closes polylines and contour objects automatically when the endpoints are within the tolerance distance. This setting is useful for closing across labels in contour lines.

Close Tolerance In Pixels

Specifies the distance between endpoints within which polylines will be automatically closed.

Use the Pick button to select the distance directly from an image.

Post Process Points

Specifies how AutoCAD Raster Design toolset draws the polylines and contours produced by the follower.

Move the slider to control how closely AutoCAD Raster Design toolset imitates the raster polyline or contour.

High deviation creates a polyline with fewer points that is less faithful to the original raster. Polylines with fewer points require less memory.

Low deviation creates a polyline with more points that more closely matches the raster path. Polylines with more points require more memory.

Contour Settings

Contour Creates

Specifies the type of entity the Contour Follower creates.

Note: The follower can only create contour objects if AutoCAD Raster Design toolset is running on AutoCAD Land Desktop.

Specifies one of the following:

  • ELEVATION assigns an elevation value based on the AutoCAD ELEVATION variable.
  • Zero assigns an elevation value of 0.
  • Preset assigns the value that you specify in the Preset Elevation text box to all polylines and contour objects created by the Contour Follower.
  • Prompt causes AutoCAD Raster Design toolset to prompt you for elevation when the follower is finished.
  • Use Existing causes AutoCAD Raster Design toolset to prompt you to select an existing contour or polyline to which the elevation value can be matched.
Elevation Interval

Specifies the amount AutoCAD Raster Design toolset adds or subtracts from the last elevation value you entered to create a suggested elevation value.

3D Polyline Settings

Elevation Interval

Specifies the amount AutoCAD Raster Design toolset adds or subtracts from the last elevation value you entered to create a suggested elevation value.

Use Raster Impact Points Only

Instructs the follower to pause only at a raster impact point, ignoring other vertices.

Ignore Raster Speckles

Prevents the follower from pausing at raster impact points involving raster speckles.

Speckle Size (Pixels)

Specifies the maximum speckle size to ignore.

Click the Pick button to select a speckle or speckle size directly from the image.