Changing Image Density

For editable image types, you can change the pixel density value, density units, or both.

Common reasons for changing density are as follows:

You can adjust the density of multiple images simultaneously if all selected images have the same density and units.

The Change Density Dialog Box displays the current pixel density (using the current image units) and prompts you to enter a new density. After you enter the new density value, you see what the image dimensions will be if you apply the change.

You can select one of five resampling methods: bicubic, bilinear, Lanczos, Mitchell, or nearest neighbor.

Note: Changing the density of an 8-bit image using bilinear or bicubic resampling may replace some existing colors in your palette. If you would like the image to retain all of its colors you should increase the pixel depth before using bilinear or bicubic resampling. For more information, see Setting the Color Depth for an Image.

Adjusting the density of an image can change the image file size, but it does not change the image correlation, scale, or (in most cases) the image size in AutoCAD units.