Using the Contour Follower

This tool traces raster contour lines and converts them to AutoCAD polyline entities or to contour objects if you are using Autodesk Land Desktop.

For general information on the use of polyline followers and operational settings, see Following Polylines.

After completing a contour, AutoCAD Raster Design toolset prompts you to enter an elevation, depending on the settings you have specified on the VTools Follower tab of the Raster Design Options dialog box. These settings also allow you to automatically increment the elevation value. For more information, see VTools Follower Settings.

The Contours tab of the Vector Separation Options dialog box allows you to assign layer and polyline widths to contours based on their elevation interval. For instance, you might set the elevation interval for major contours to 50, and the elevation interval for minor contours to 10. If you then followed a contour and set the elevation value to 50, the resulting vector contour would be assigned to the major layer. Likewise, if you traced a contour and set the elevation value to 40, the resulting vector would be assigned to the minor layer. For more information, see General Vector Separation Options.