Edit Pane Options

Zoom Width: the recognized raster text fills the width of the view window and there is no horizontal scroll bar.

Zoom Height: the recognized raster text fills the height of the view window and there is no vertical scroll bar.

Zoom Extents: the recognized raster text is completely contained in the view window at the greatest zoom possible.

Zoom In: expands the recognized raster text in the view window by a factor of 25% of its' normal size. The text may be zoomed in to a maximum factor of 300%.

Zoom Out: shrinks the recognized raster text by a factor of 25% of its' normal size. The raster may be zoomed out to a maximum factor of 25%.

Bold: toggles the bold attribute for selected text in the editor window.

Italic: toggles the italic attribute for selected text in the editor window.

Underline: toggles the underline attribute for selected text in the editor window.

Non-printing characters: specifies whether the non-printing characters such as TAB or NEW-LINE are to be displayed.

Undo: reverses the last editing action.

Print image: displays the standard Windows Print dialog box.

Note: The Edit window supports standard editing functions from the keyboard.