The Quick Bar

The Raster Design Quick Bar provides quick access to the settings you use most often while performing REM or VTools operations. This toolbar is only available when using the Map Classic Workspace.

The following settings can be toggled on and off on the Quick Bar:

Toolbar Icon Name Description

Raster Snap

Enables raster snap which allows you to snap to raster objects.

Raster Snap Center

Snaps to the center of a raster line. The entire width of the line must be in the snap window.

Raster Snap End

Snaps to the end of a raster line.

Note When a line ends because it intersects with another line, this is considered an intersection, not an end point.

Raster Snap Corner

Snaps to the intersection of two raster lines.

Raster Snap Intersection

Snaps to the intersection of 3 or more raster lines. The entire intersection must be in the snap window.

Raster Snap Edge

Snaps to the edge of a raster line. Any part of the raster line can be in the snap window.

Stop at Raster Intersections

When using one of the follower tools, such as the polyline follower or the contour follower, this setting causes the follower to stop at all raster intersections.

Stop at Vector Intersections

When using one of the follower tools, such as the polyline follower or the contour follower, this setting causes the follower to stop at all vector intersections.

For information on turning the Quick Bar on or off, see Changing the Quick Bar Visibility.