Who Should Use AutoCAD Raster Design Toolset?

Anyone who wants to edit, manage, and correlate raster images with AutoCAD can benefit from the capabilities of AutoCAD Raster Design toolset.

Architects To incorporate photographs and old hand-drawn plans into new vector data for planning and presentation purposes before remodeling, renovating, or doing historic reconstruction.

To show a project in context with its terrain using DEM imagery.

Cartographers To take advantage of real-world coordinate support. When running on the AutoCAD GIS-based desktops, such as AutoCAD Land Desktop, and AutoCAD Map 3D toolset, AutoCAD Raster Design toolset gives you the ability to perform coordinate transformations.
Environmental specialists To generate groundwater contours, locate wells, display the health of vegetation, plot contamination values, and use geo-referenced data for support of risk assessment.
Geo-exploration specialists and engineers To use remote sensing data for exploration planning, strata mapping, and geotechnical applications.
Land planners To analyze land drainage or to integrate imagery, maps, and terrain models into base maps that depict change analysis and land use.
Mechanical engineers To easily update scanned drawings using REM commands and VTools.
Municipal and state mapping agencies To use scanned tax maps and ordinance surveys as references for detailing city systems and GIS tasks.
Photogrammetric and Remote Sensing Firms To use many image formats, including GeoTIFF and GeoSPOT.

To use correlation commands to integrate images into base maps.

Resource managers To use scanned forest cover-type maps and soil maps, and georeferenced data and images for impact studies in forestry, soil science, hydrology, and wildlife management.

To perform deed analysis using images for photogrammetric control by using the vectorization tools to convert raster to vector.