Defining REM Enhanced Bitonal Regions

Define a REM enhanced bitonal region when you want to select complete raster entities within a bitonal image.

For example, you might be working with an image of a mechanical drawing that contains a plan view of a cylinder. You want to scale the size of the cylinder hole to make it larger. You can accomplish this by selecting the cylinder as an enhanced bitonal region object. You can then use this object to quickly scale the size of the cylinder, without touching any other part of the image.

Note: You can define enhanced bitonal region objects only in bitonal images.

An enhanced bitonal region is defined by the selection method you choose, based either on smart objects or connected objects.

Smart Objects

Use this type of object to select complete raster entities such as lines, arcs, circles, polygons, or text characters in a region. You can define the region by drawing a rectangular window or a polygon. Use a crossing window or polygon if you want to include entities that cross the region boundary. You can also draw a smart polyline or fence to select entities that touch the fence. For further information, including illustrated examples of smart object selection, see the following Glossary terms: smart crossing polygon, smart crossing window, smart window, smart fence, and smart window polygon.

Connected Objects

Use this type of object to select complete raster entities based on how they are connected to each other. This approach makes it easier to either select or exclude a connected series of entities. You can select entities that are connected to an entity you select or to a region you define. You can define the region by drawing a rectangular window or a polygon. Use a crossing window or polygon if you want to include entities that cross the region boundary or are connected to such entities. You can also draw a connected polyline or fence to select entities that touch the fence and all entities connected to these entities. For further information, including illustrated examples of connected object selection, see the following Glossary terms: connected crossing polygon, connected crossing window, connected entity, connected fence, connected window, and connected window polygon.

Grip Behavior

A REM enhanced bitonal region object has four grips, one at each vertex. Select a grip to move the object.