LiveView Exercise: Editing a Band Assignment Color Map

In this exercise, you see how different band assignment color maps assist the visual analysis of a multispectral data set.

Note: The Getting Started Guide sample files can be downloaded from Download and extract the sample files onto your workstation to use them in this exercise.
To edit a band assignment color map

Open the LiveView_ColorMap2.dwg sample file.

A satellite image is displayed that shows some urban terrain in normal colors.


If the Image Manager toolspace is not open, click Raster menuManage.

In Image Manager, select the Image Insertions view.

In the Image Insertions view, right-click the image name and click Edit Color Map.


In the Band Assignment Color Map dialog box, note that the red, green, and blue channels on the left are assigned to the corresponding red, green, and blue data bands.


In the Band Assignment Color Map dialog box, use the three drop-down lists to assign the color channels as follows:

  • Red channel to the Near Infrared (NIR) band
  • Green channel to the Red band
  • Blue channel to the Green band

Click Apply to see the change immediately, and click OK to close the dialog box.

6 This color map shows vegetation as red. Vegetation that is healthy or more dense appears darker red. This type of display is known as a false color image, and this particular band assignment is commonly used for analyzing vegetation.