Image Types and Color Maps

With AutoCAD Raster Design toolset, you can insert several types of images into a drawing, and display them in various ways. The color map provides the main source of display control. AutoCAD Raster Design toolset recognizes the inserted image type and provides a default color map. Later, you can edit the color map, or with some image types, create a new insertion with a different type of color map.

Image Data Attributes
File Type Data Structure (bits/pixel) Default Color Map Insertion Type
Bitonal 1 bit Bitonal Bitonal
Grayscale 4 or 8 bit Image Adjust Grayscale
Index Color 8 bit (256 colors) Image Adjust Index Color
True Color 24 or 32 bit Image Adjust True Color
Digital Elevation Model Floating Point Palette Palette Color
Single-Band Integer 16 or 32 bit Image Adjust Palette Color, Grayscale

The different color maps have the following attributes:

For related information, see Editing Color Maps and About Supported Image Formats.