The Verify Text window has two panes; the View pane (upper pane) and the Edit pane (lower pane). You can control the ratio of the display size in these panes by clicking and dragging the divider bar at the bottom of the View pane. You can expand the Verify Text window by clicking and dragging a corner.
You can make corrections directly in the Edit pane or you can use the Find Next button to highlight the suspect words and rejected characters. In each case, you can select a replacement word or character from the Change To list or enter the correct word and click Replace. Any changes to a word or character removes the highlighting for that word. Rejected characters (displayed as red tildes) remain in place and highlighted until they are replaced. For some characters, you may want to copy special characters from the Windows Character Map into the Edit pane.
Using the options on the toolbar you can zoom and scroll within the Edit pane, change formatting and print the results. When you click in the Edit pane, the original raster text is also displayed for comparison purposes. By clicking the Add To Dictionary button you add words or abbreviations to the recognition dictionary.