Image Data View (Image Manager Toolspace)

Use this view to work with image data definitions. This view is especially useful for creating new insertions and managing the display and analysis of complex raster data.

The tree view can display six object types:

Image data definition

Band group

Band group metadata

Data band

Color map

Image insertion

As shown in the figure, each data definition includes one or more band groups (examples: Truecolor and Bitonal) with subordinate bands. At the same level as the band groups are color maps (examples: RGB and BIN). Image insertions are placed subordinate to the color maps that define them. The location of the image insertion on the tree is a major difference between the Image Insertions view and the Image Data view.

Image Data Definition

Defines the source for one or more images inserted in the drawing. Right-click a data definition to see a menu with the following options:

Band Group

Right-click a band group to see the Image Data Properties dialog box.

Data Band

Right-click a data band to see the Image Data Properties dialog box.

Band Group Metadata

Conditional object, present only for multispectral image data.

Color Map

Right-click a color map to see a menu with the following options:

Image Insertion

Right-click an image insertion to see a menu with the following options:

Image Data Definition Metadata

Conditional item. If present, it identifies the source file for the image metadata. Metadata is displayed in the item view.