Exporting Images

Use Export commands to save an image to a different file format or to save correlation files for the image.

Exporting is the only way to save images displayed from digital elevation models (DEM) and multispectral data. These images are saved in GeoTIFF format.

Use the options in the Export Options dialog box to handle image correlation data and rotation values, if applicable.

Note: If you want to save an image to another file format, name, or location, without saving correlation information, then do not select a correlation output type, or use the Save As option instead. For more information, see Save As Dialog Box.

Correlation files store insertion point, scale , rotation angle , and density information for the image. GeoTIFF files can also include coordinate system data. Depending on the file format you select, you can save the correlation information to a resource file , a world file , or to the image file. Normally, these files are saved to the same location as the image file. However, you can control this path on the Paths tab of the AutoCAD Raster Design toolset options dialog box. For more information, see Correlation Search Paths.

If you want to export correlation as a world file without exporting the associated image, you can use the iworldout command.

Note: AutoCAD Raster Design toolset uses Single Image Optimization to speed up the editing commands.

For certain file formats, such as TIFF, you are prompted for the encoding and data organization methods you want to use. For more information, see Encoding and Data Organization Methods.