Removing (Rubbing) Images

You can rub raster data within an image or across multiple images.

Only the images that are within or partly within the selected entity or area affected.

Rubs use the current transparent color. For example, if the color for background transparency is blue, then the rub is drawn in blue. If you later change the transparent color, the color of the rubbed area remains blue, but subsequent rubs are drawn in the new color. For more information, see, Transparent Color of an Image.

You can also remove raster entities (lines, arcs, and circles) by using REM delete commands or by using existing vector geometry. For more information, see Removing Raster Entities Using REM Commands.

Note: Rubs permanently change the raster data in the image; they do not temporarily remove raster data from the display. To reverse a rub, use the AutoCAD UNDO command.