To Change the VTools Follower Settings

  1. Click Raster menu Options. The Raster Design Options dialog box is displayed.
  2. Click the VTools Follower tab.
  3. If you want to change the color AutoCAD Raster Design toolset uses to mark the progress of the follower, click Select and choose a new follower color.
  4. If you want AutoCAD Raster Design toolset to automatically pan to display the current decision point on screen, select Pan to Decision Point.
  5. If you want AutoCAD Raster Design toolset to automatically close polylines and contour objects where the endpoints are within a tolerance distance, select End Current Polyline If Closed Loop Detected. This setting is useful for closing loops across labels in contour lines.
  6. If you selected End Current Polyline If Closed Loop Detected, specify the tolerance distance in one of two ways: enter a numeric value, or click Pick and click two points in the drawing. Polylines whose endpoints fall within this distance will be automatically closed.
  7. If you want to control how AutoCAD Raster Design toolset draws the polylines and contours produced by the follower, select Post Process Points. Optionally, move the Polyline Deviation slider to control how closely AutoCAD Raster Design toolset imitates the raster polyline or contour.
    • High deviation creates a polyline with fewer points that is less faithful to the original raster. Such polylines use less system resources.
    • Low deviation creates a polyline with more points that more closely matches the raster path. Such polylines use more system resources.
  8. In the Contour Settings section, select the type of entity the Contour Follower creates in the Contour Creates list.
    Note: The follower can only create contour objects if AutoCAD Raster Design toolset is running on Autodesk Land Desktop. If you are running on Autodesk Civil 3D, you can add the contour data to the definition of a TIN surface.
  9. In the Elevation list, click one of the following:
    • ELEVATION assigns an elevation value based on the AutoCAD ELEVATION variable.
    • Zero assigns an elevation value of 0.
    • Preset assigns the value that you specify in the Preset Elevation text box to all polylines and contour objects created by the Contour Follower.
    • Prompt causes AutoCAD Raster Design toolset to prompt you for elevation when the follower is finished.
    • Use Existing causes AutoCAD Raster Design toolset to prompt you to select an existing contour or polyline to which the elevation value can be matched.
  10. If you selected Prompt for Elevation, enter a value in Elevation Interval. AutoCAD Raster Design toolset adds or subtracts this amount from the last elevation value you entered to create a suggested elevation value.
  11. In the 3D Polyline Settings section, enter a value in Elevation Interval. AutoCAD Raster Design toolset adds or subtracts this amount from the last elevation value you entered to create a suggested elevation value.
  12. If you want the follower to pause only at raster intersections, ignoring other vertices, select Use Raster Impact Points Only.
  13. If you want to prevent the follower from pausing at raster speckles, select Ignore Raster Speckles.
  14. If you selected Ignore Raster Speckles, enter a pixel value in the Speckle Size (Pixels) text box, or click the Pick button to specify a speckle size by clicking a speckle in the image, or by clicking two points to define a rectangular window.
  15. Click OK to exit the dialog box.