Image Insertions View (Image Manager Toolspace)

Use this view to manage inserted images and their color maps.

As shown in the following figure, the tree view displays two object types:

Image insertion

Color map

If you add two or more insertions of the same image, digits are appended to the image name, such as View:1, View:2.

Right-click on the drawing to insert another image or refresh the display. Insert opens the Insert Image dialog box.

Right-click on an image insertion to see a menu with the following options:

Right-click on a color map to edit it or refresh the display.

Item View

This secondary pane displays metadata for the object selected in the tree view. For some objects, you see a simple properties table. When you select a drawing, you see a multi-column table with an entry for each inserted image. You can change the displayed columns and their positions in this table. For more information, see Modifying the Item View Layout.