Exporting Images

Export an image either for use in another graphics application, or to save the image correlation data for later use.

When you save an AutoCAD drawing file that contains a raster image, the image correlation data is saved in the drawing file, not in the image file itself. If you want to insert the image into another drawing and use the same correlation data, save correlation data with the image.

When you export an image (Raster menu Export), you can save correlation data in one of three locations:

Saving correlation data to the image file is possible only with some image types. You can export correlation data to a world file without exporting the associated image. For more information on file types, see Correlating Images.

When you export an image, using a different image name, file format, or file location, you can maintain the link between the drawing and the exported image if you want the new image file to replace the one that is currently linked to the drawing.

You can insert a read-only image into a drawing and then save it to a read-write format using the Export, Capture, or Save As options. However, only the Export option saves the image correlation information.

When you export rotated images, AutoCAD Raster Design toolset gives you the option to “burn in” the rotation, which means that the image retains its rotated position, but the rotation value is set to zero.