Multi-frame Select Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to specify which image frames to insert from a multi-frame set.

Left pane

Click the frames to be inserted or clear check boxes for frames that you do not want inserted.

Select All

Selects all the frames.

Clear All

Clears the check boxes for all frames.

Treat As Multispectral

Select this option if the selected frames are part of a multispectral set, intended to be viewed together with a band assignment color map.

Hide Information

Closes the Information pane.

Hide Preview

Closes the Preview pane.


Displays thumbnail images of each frame in the set. You can review the images here and select the ones to be inserted. To review images, use the scroll bar or the keyboard arrow keys. To select images, use the mouse. Use the Shift key with the mouse to select a range of images; use the Ctrl key with the mouse to select several non-adjacent images.


Displays metadata about the image set, such as image type, depth, density, width, and height.