Color to Grayscale Tab (Histogram Dialog Box)

Use this tab to convert a color image to an 8-bit grayscale image. This is useful if you want to reduce the amount of disk space the image requires. By converting a color image to grayscale, you can also take advantage of the smoothing filters or sharpening filters to work on the image details.


Specify a channel from this list for the conversion value. You can select RGB, or you can select the Red, Green, or Blue channel.

If you select RGB, then the values for red, green, and blue components of each pixel in the image are added together and divided by three to achieve the grayscale value.

If you select Red, Green, or Blue, then the Color to Grayscale operation uses the value for just that channel to determine the grayscale value.


Converts the selected color image(s) to grayscale.


Displays a preview of the image showing the modifications.

Click an image name to view the preview for that image. Histogram changes apply to all images you have selected, not just to the image that is currently previewed.

This preview does not show any display-only adjustments you may have made to the image using the AutoCAD IMAGEADJUST command. If you apply changes to the image using the Histogram, then all display-only adjustments are reset to the defaults.